The relationship intercurring between the city of Trieste and coffee seems to be permanent and solid. Besides the industrial system’s importance, well known in the all world, Trieste city is for several reasons known as the cafes’ city; old-fashioned fascinating places, as a result of a civic past that has been undoubtedly affected by centre Europe, due to literature. Nowadays the historical cafes have become authentic touristic destinations, among which we find:
inaugurated in 1830, is the oldest cafe of Trieste, it takes its name from the Dalmatian writer. The cafe has been decorated by a painter named Gatteri, the dressing tables come from Belgium. It has being restored in 1997, in order to guard its elegant and refined setting in perfect accordance with the viennese cafes. Also famous for introducing, at the start of the century, ice-cream, is now possible to have brunch or quick-dinners there, both activities of nowadays’ life really far from those old times.
inaugurated in 1914 was then entirely destroyed by the 1st World War, being a known gathering for irredentists. Immediately rebuilt during the 20s, has since then represented the main intellectuals and artists’ hangout. His usual costumers were Saba, Svevo and Giotto.
built in 1839, recently renovated, was found and managed by the Greek Nicolò Privolo. Situated on the ground floor of Stratti Palace, on the main square of the city, it has always represented the main salon of the city, its major point of strength.
located on the inners of the namesake gallery, it became very famous because of its colour-glazed walls, which sketch some of the citizens’ life scenes. The latest restorations, realized on the purpose of recalling the lost atmosphere of ‘fin de siecle’ have really generated a different look from the original one.
Opened to the public in 1967, next to the Orthodox-Serbian church. During the anglo-american occupation became a famous dance hall, where the beautiful ‘mule’ (‘young ladies’ in local dialect) of the area, had the once-in-a-life occasion to know and then eventually marry an American soldier, staying in the city. Due to the elevated costs of maintaining a dance hall, it is nowadays only possible to sample sweets sipping on a tea or coffee.